Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The last post

Hi miss
I would like to start this blog thanking you for the patience and the goodwill in this complicate subject (at least for me). I believe that this semester of English was more relax than the last semester because it change in the methodology work, mostly in the evaluations. Personally, I felt very bad when I had that discourse in public (those four or five minute were eternal) and that affect me in my confidence and my willingness to continue in the subject (for this reason I don’t finish English level 3 when I take it for first time).
Well, answering the questions, I liked of English level 4 the topics worked in class because they were according with the daily situations. Also, I liked –as I said previously- the evaluations because it forced me to practice the gramathical and the talking skills, above all the video blog evaluation. I believe that this change is the best thing that the department of English could make, although I had some problems the recording me and talking in front of the camera –is very strange the first time. And about the use the blog, is a great tool for practice the vocabulary but I believe that is very complicated work in the free topics blog because I don’t think in English and is very hard to put together new words and ideas –related with the chosen topic.
I think that my English level has improved in this year, mostly for the practice but I don’t know if this improve is the logical or the normal for a student during a year classes, because I consider myself a bit stupid to learn English. I think that I have to improve my speaking and thinking in English, but I don’t have a plan for work in this. And it’s the great problem of these subject, I don’t use this language frequently, a few times I had that read a English books and in my live I don’t need to use the English, but I hope that this change in a short time.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

The fuzzy future

Well, before to start answering the main questions, I would like to talk about the troubles in the sociological field, related with the work that finally a sociologist execute. In the last time, I hear that the current tendency for the sociologist is to work in public politics, designing and evaluating  social programs. In this sense, this Faculty have a special subject in the fourth year –and during two semesters- to train people to work in the State - or to work for it. I feel fear for this situation because I wouldn’t work as an administrator or somthing similar, and also I don’t agree with the ideology behind the pubic politics,like the focalization, solving the social problems –that are huge- in parts.

Now, answering the questions, I would like to work in everything –less in public politics-, but in specific something related with investigation, mixing the sociological theory with the economics theory. Perhaps working with statics or qualitative studies, but I don’t know in this moment. In relation with the topics fields, I’am interesting in the Education, Work and the inequalities in the sociality. If someone ask me for an organization in where I would like to work, it’s the CEPAL. 
about  the aspects that I will consider for choosing a job is the proximity between the work and my house –for use my bike- and the offered salary –of course-, weighting the time and the type of job assignate with the tackled topic –if is interesting to me or not. Finally, in a job interview I would say that my strengths are: I’am a great searcher for solution –I like this- and the thing that I don’t know I will learn fastly – or I will try at least-; and I would say about the weaknesses: I need that the topics are interesting and challenge me –like a game.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

I am dark green or pale green, but not pure green...

Yes, I recognize that I have spirit for the environment care but I can’t define myself as an ecologist. I think back in my education and I can’t find a teaching about this topics. Maybe, in my times of college, the care of the planet was a secondary worry behind the development of the science, technology and productivity –the capitalism ideology had win. But in this time, is a big problem specially because of the phenomenon of the global warming and the climate change, a worldwide issue.

Well, I think that the people learn most of time about environmentally friendly practices from the Internet and/or friends, because in this country doesn’t exist a conscience about the problem. In this sense, I learn some habits about the earth care, like how to dump the oil inside a bottle –and not in the dishwasher- or accumulate the organic material in a special garbage dump –compost- for use as organic fertilizer. Well, also I use the bike for my displacement in the city, although Santiago is the worth city for moving in bike because it doesn’t have the street with a special space for the bikes.
Currently, I´m not participation in any environmental organization because I don’t have time for more activities, but I don´t discard a participation in the future, I would like to have an organic garden, to grow some vegetables, ideally not transgenic ones.

Finally, the two things that I’m now doing to reduce my carbon footprint are: to use the bike and to use low consume light bulbs. And the big missing issue to do in our sociality is change the disposable logic, because everything around us has been made to last every time  less, so then you need to buy new stuff.   

Friday, October 19, 2012

The Soccer passion

In the last week we were in a country where the only thing that could to talk was about the match of national Chilean selection of soccer. Yes, we live in a South American and the soccer is one of the most important things for the people because is a space for emotions and chauvinism express (and socialize), but the situation of the Chilean soccer is very sad because although we like this sport and the most people play this game, we are very bad. Although we have the greatest generation of players, playing in Europe and other countries around the world, we still the bad results in a national selection level.

Why? I don’t believe in an only reason for explain this situation. Some people say “without Marcelo BIelsa, the national selection don’t play anything”, but this people forgive that when this DT spoke after one match (I don’t remember when and where, but I remember that Chile won), recognized that “thanks to god that the players don’t heard me in the game”. Other people say “the leaders of national soccer association are the responsible for the situation” forgetting that this people don’t play in the field.

Anyway, I think that this thing could be part of the problem, but I believe that the principal reason is the individualism (of the players) and that this translate in selfishness. For this some people request the Bielsa comeback, the return of authoritarianism for sort the player room.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The bicycle

During the holidays of 2011 I return to the old practice of riding a bike.  I bought a brand new hybrid bicycle that is a mixture between a mountain bike and racing bike. And I never thought that this objet will have such an important place of my life. In those holidays I travel around the “Region de los Lagos”. After that trip I used my bike to get every day to the university, and now I use it to go everywhere.

Now, I think that this city (Santiago) is not adequate for use the bike. Although some communes had built bike-paths, it’s a joke because they are planned as recreative paths for the familys on Sunday.  The main problem is that in Chile doesn´t exist a “bike culture”, so building good bike paths are not part of government plans. In the other side, bike riders are (most of them) careless, they don’t use appropriate equipment, and they ride in a reckless manner.  

But not everything is black, there are bike riders organizations which are fighting to develop a bike culture from inside the bikers to higher spheres of power. Although all this good attempt, this were not enough to save my bicycle of getting stolen.   

A country you'd like to visit...

I don’t think a lot about this, but if you ask me I will say I will like to Cuba. Why? Years ago, my father promised me that He and I will travel together to Cuba. Well, the years pass and He went to Cuba with his girlfriend and friends but without me. The funny thing about this is that every year He say to me “someday we could travel to Cuba” and I still waiting to go. Well, after this disappointment, I think that the only way for going to Cuba is without him.

I don’t know much about Cuba, but I will like to visit this country because two principal reasons: it’s a socialist country and due to it's tropical clime has wonderful beaches. I will like to be an entire evening just lying and drinking “Cuba libre”. And I don’t think that I can stand a tropical clime for a long time, so I won´t be studding or living in this country. I’m a man who enjoys the cold and winter rains despite I always catch a cold.

Friday, September 28, 2012

My best holiday

Hello Teacher and Classmates

The best holiday that I can remember was my trip for Peru in the summer of year 2010. This holiday was a big challenge because I had save a lot of money for the ticket (in airplane) and the rest of expenses (lodging, food, gifts and water, yes water), but Peru is very cheap for the student pocket. I traveled with some friends (my girlfriend includes) and it was complicate because until the last time we don’t know who travel or not.

Well, in the trip I knew Arica, Tacna, Arequipa and Cuzco, but we fail to arrive to “Machupichu” because the bad weather maked impossible think to go. I remember the helicopters move every day in the sky, bringing tourists isolated in “Aguas Calientes” (near Machupichu) to Cuzco, but these tourists in first moment was Europeans, Asians or North Americans, but not South Americans.

Well, we did the obviously in a trip, go to market, go to interest place (that I can’t remember in this moment) eat the traditional food (it was very cheap) and take a photo in every important moment or place. And the reasons for think that this holidays are the best are the cheap of the country, we can make many things and in specific eat tasty food.


Friday, September 14, 2012

First Term: Good and bad points

Hello everyone

Well, generally speaking I had a good last term . In the first place I got good marks in most of the subjects. I learned a lot in sociology, and also I started liking topics which I pretend to develop in the future like social structure, TIC's, education and health. I feel passionate about this topics and I think it's very importantly their development because will help to construction a society most equalitarian.

In second place, since early march I had been working in a “popular pre-universitary” located in “La Pincoya”. This experience has been very interesting because I could understand a little more the society problems. But also I have been able to learn and develop my teacher side, teaching math for PSU.

Finally, in economics terms, the last term has been the most generous in my life. I earned a lot of money thanks to sporadic jobs as computer technician. Knowing how to search in google leaves much money.


Thursday, September 13, 2012

The introduction post

Hello new classmates

My name is Vladimir Venegas, i'm twenty eigth years old and i'm a fourth year student of sociology. i live with my mother and my cat.

Well, i think i don't have a specific hobbie but i like playing and watching basketball, also enjoy playing videogames and watching TV series like "The big bang theory" or "American Dad".

Greetings to all.