Friday, October 19, 2012

The Soccer passion

In the last week we were in a country where the only thing that could to talk was about the match of national Chilean selection of soccer. Yes, we live in a South American and the soccer is one of the most important things for the people because is a space for emotions and chauvinism express (and socialize), but the situation of the Chilean soccer is very sad because although we like this sport and the most people play this game, we are very bad. Although we have the greatest generation of players, playing in Europe and other countries around the world, we still the bad results in a national selection level.

Why? I don’t believe in an only reason for explain this situation. Some people say “without Marcelo BIelsa, the national selection don’t play anything”, but this people forgive that when this DT spoke after one match (I don’t remember when and where, but I remember that Chile won), recognized that “thanks to god that the players don’t heard me in the game”. Other people say “the leaders of national soccer association are the responsible for the situation” forgetting that this people don’t play in the field.

Anyway, I think that this thing could be part of the problem, but I believe that the principal reason is the individualism (of the players) and that this translate in selfishness. For this some people request the Bielsa comeback, the return of authoritarianism for sort the player room.

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