Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The last post

Hi miss
I would like to start this blog thanking you for the patience and the goodwill in this complicate subject (at least for me). I believe that this semester of English was more relax than the last semester because it change in the methodology work, mostly in the evaluations. Personally, I felt very bad when I had that discourse in public (those four or five minute were eternal) and that affect me in my confidence and my willingness to continue in the subject (for this reason I don’t finish English level 3 when I take it for first time).
Well, answering the questions, I liked of English level 4 the topics worked in class because they were according with the daily situations. Also, I liked –as I said previously- the evaluations because it forced me to practice the gramathical and the talking skills, above all the video blog evaluation. I believe that this change is the best thing that the department of English could make, although I had some problems the recording me and talking in front of the camera –is very strange the first time. And about the use the blog, is a great tool for practice the vocabulary but I believe that is very complicated work in the free topics blog because I don’t think in English and is very hard to put together new words and ideas –related with the chosen topic.
I think that my English level has improved in this year, mostly for the practice but I don’t know if this improve is the logical or the normal for a student during a year classes, because I consider myself a bit stupid to learn English. I think that I have to improve my speaking and thinking in English, but I don’t have a plan for work in this. And it’s the great problem of these subject, I don’t use this language frequently, a few times I had that read a English books and in my live I don’t need to use the English, but I hope that this change in a short time.

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